Who We Are

Deep Water Eswatini creates safe spaces in dark places, where anyone can be seen, heard, and known.

We are: Safe People Safe Place

Deep Water Eswatini creates safe spaces in dark places, where anyone can be seen, heard, and known.

In the Heart of Eswatini

In the heart of the African Kingdom of Eswatini, there is a vision-one that seeks to restore dignity, empower the powerless, and bring freedom and purpose to those who have been marginalized and forgotten. At Deep Water Eswatini, we are committed to creating a space where every individual, no matter their past or circumstances, can feel safe-physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We believe that everyone deserves to be seen, heard, and known.

The Community We Serve

The community we serve is often referred to as the "after hours" community, where the shadows of society hide those struggling with the harsh realities of sex work, homelessness, and addiction. These are the individuals who face intense stigma and are often overlooked and ignored by the world around them. But we see them. We reach out to them, offering not just words, but our presence, our care, and our hearts.

Our Approach

Our work is deeply intentional, guided by the Spirit, as we walk the streets each week, visiting hot spots where the need is greatest. We engage in conversations that are genuine, aiming to build relationships that are safe and free of judgment or expectations. We want those we meet to know they are valued-not for what they can offer, but simply for who they are.

Core Values

  • Humility
  • Dignity
  • Creativity
  • Accountability
  • Courage
  • Love
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Our Vision

Committed to a Safe World

We envision a safe world where anyone can discover dignity restoration and personal empowerment to step into freedom and purpose.

Our Mission

Creating Safe Spaces in Dark Places

Our mission is to create a physically, emotionally, and spiritually safe space where anyone can enter and be heard, seen, and known.

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Meet Our Board

Rachel Palmberg

Founder, Director of Partnership Development rachel@deepwatereswatini.org

Cebile Tsabedze

Administration and Finance lukheleceby@gmail.com

Gloria Azikiwe

Outreach gazikiwe@gmail.com

Thandekile Sifundza-Katunga

Human Resource and Legal sfundzat@gmail.com

Thethe Dlamini

Board Chair pastorthethe.ghp@gmail.com

Our team is consistently in the neighbourhood, building relationships and partnering with community members in implementing strategies.